In short, it was indeed all it was cracked up to be. The sight of sakura in bloom was gorgeous. It just completely transforms the brown horizons I`d stared at the entire winter and completely changes the atmosphere. I think the change in scenery, the tradition and nostalgia of it, and the fact that they`re so short lived is all part of the appeal and majestic-ness. Sakura only last for 1-2 weeks and weatherman give like an hourly update on when and where they`ll be in bloom.
"Hanami" is the Japanese word for "cherry blossom viewing", but it generally means you rally the troops and have a picnic and make a day/night of it. I think it`s sweet that one word is dedicated to the picnic you can have for like 2 days out of an entire year. Anyway, the pictures below are our version of hanami. It was in a park a 10 minute bike ride from my house (and if you spotted that red and white bike in the background that looks out of place in a nation full of mama cherry bikes - keen eye! And it`s mine, all mine).
The following pictures are all "borrowed" from It's an awesome site about culture in Japan that some Spanish guy updates daily. And he, like Alex, takes far superior pictures than me, thus doing far better justice to capturing sakura via photography than I have this year.

Yozakura (night sakura) in Tokyo.

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