Like horses to Americans, elephants have historically worked alongside Thais on farms and in the jungle . Elephants were the superweapons of Southeast Asian armies before tanks and big guns were invented. Today the elephant is still one of the most powerful symbols in Thai culture.
But, as I presumed, the elephant population (domesticated and wild) in Thailand is dwindling. The Asian elephant is considered an endangered species. Although there are laws mandated to protect the elephant (i.e. illegal to log using elephants, elphants must be at least 3 years old before training and released back into the wild again at 61 years old), the laws are sometimes ignored, domesticated elephants are neglected, mistreated or abandoned by owners, and the destruction of forests and ivory-trade poaching are jeopardizing the wild elephant population.
My first run-in with elephants was in Ayuthya, where we saw a disgustingly high number of elephants cramped and chained into a tiny coral, swaying their heads in the same mindless manner. Next to that was a group of 3 elephants spray painted blue with flashy hats on, gearing up for some show... and a big group of tourists snapping pictures. It was horrible to watch.
Kanchanaburi was much further north and in an area where elephant trekking is more humane (supposedly) and the provides a much needed income in eco-tourism. It was part of our packaged deal, so I gave it a whirl.
If I look extremely uncomfortable, it's because I was. I just felt really weird the whole time. And, although it was labeled "elephant trekking", I hardly think you can consider riding on a clearly worn path within a border of maybe 500 square km of concrete walls can be counted.
This kiddo had his tough face on for-ev-er...
Next place Yut took us was the "dangerous bend" in the Death Railway. I forget why it was so dangerous, but I remember it saying that in the pamphlet. We walked from one side to the other. It was pretty.
There was a weird cave on the side of the cliff with a Buddha and benches inside of it. No idea when or how this was formed. .jpg)
We kept trying to take all these really artistic shots on the "original railway", but we just ended up getting oil and dirt on our clothes that was impossible to wash out.
Our tour guide, Yut, was the coolest. He stopped at several "interest points" as he carted us around. I saw tons of sugarcane plantations and tons of some other kind of plantation that I didn't recognize. He told me it was taro and said he'd stop later on to show me this below:
He showed me the taro up close and explained that it was very popular in this region. It's apparently very similar to potatoes (which as you know, I now have a deep interest in!).
This was an ex-drug lord's house. Drugs would be smuggled in from Burma and brought here to be distributed. After a few too many shady assassinations went down here, the Thai government seized it... or so we were told.
For lunch, we were heading up to the lookout point for the Thai army on the border of Thailand and Burma. It was a pretty high, and steep location, which is why the truck with 12 people couldn't quite hack it all the way up. The first solution was to make Chris, Richard, and Hung push while laughing and taking pictures... but when that didn't work, we all got out to help.
When we finally made it up to the top, I saw this adorable pup and it's mutt mommy! Awwww, right next to the shooting barricade.
This is one of the houses the soldiers live in. I think there are 6 guys that live up there. They only go into town once a week or something. They're pretty self sufficient and have most food up on the mountain (plants, chickens, etc). The soldiers rotate and have to live there for 8 month shifts.
This is our tour guide, Yut. He's showing me the "burn off your mouth pepper", which I consumed about a week later somewhat accidentally. It really did feel like my mouth was burning off - thanks for the head's up Yut!
Nature's symmetry never ceases to amaze me.
The entrance to the Thai Army camp.
Another description on this tour was that we would "trek" to the Thailand/Mynmar border. From our lunch army base, it was maybe a 15 minute flat walk. This is what it looked like when we got there. Kiiiind of anti-climactic. Since we rarely knew exactly what we were doing or what to expect (pretty much my life here in Japan as well), I was thinking this was it, and was feeling pretty disappointed. But I was wrong! We ended up taking a couple hour hike up and down through a bamboo forest.
And I even made a few more friends.
This was about the point in the trek where the Chinese girls on our hike took off their jelly shoes and walked in socks. Neither sandals, shoes, or socks were gripping too well here.
I loved it though! THIS is definitely my cup of tea:)
This guy, Richard, was kind of a jerk but also pretty hillarious. He was a 60-something year old world traveler originally from Slovakia or something. I think everyone was equally surprised the chain smoker made it through the hike, but all the more power to him! This picture was taken right after he had been found by our soldier taking a ciggy break on the trail, and his sunglasses had also just broken. He went on a 5 minute rage about cheap Mexican products.
We made it out!
Once we got out of the jungle, we headed to the road to be picked up by Yut. We all had our bamboo walking sticks in hand and I was on a high from the hike. Smiling just remembering it!
We were all pretty hot, sweaty, and dirrrrrty after that, so a dip in a secluded waterfall was just the ticket. Although, I don't really know how much cleaner we got. Frank was convinced things with tails were swimming in unmentionable places. I was just happy to rinse off, no matter what the medium.
Were I to do this trip again, I would definitely spend more time up in these beautiful forests trekking, days on end. I don't know exactly what it is, but all the nature, fresh air, wildlife, sunsets, physical hiking and adventure of not knowing where you're going is exhilirating! Frank and I tried our hardest to squeeze in a camping trip or another day of trekking in, but once you're down in the islands during peak traveling season on a time schedule, it's next to impossible to make it happen. Next time, next time...
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