Requirements for final destination: beach, ocean, cheap booze. Ice Cream and fish (seeing and eating) are a plus. Final destination pick: Pulau Tioman island.
To get there from KL required an overnight bus (which turned out to be the high school party bus with teens noshing on KFC and talking allllll night long) followed by a ferry ride.

Check it out! Sea turtle!
This was the cute 'lil love shack we settled on after looking at maybe five other options. Felt luxury to us, even though the shower water's still cold, you pull a string to flush the toilet, and we slept in one bed under a net together. Lots of space though, right price, only footsteps to a perty beach and good restaurant, and right next to a hiking trail.
Biologists dig Tioman because its relative isolation has generated flora and fauna that distinctly deviate from mainland species. There were tons of creatures hidden throughout inland Tioman, but these huge monitor lizards weren't modest in the least.
"Paradise is in your mind." -India.Arie
"Paradise is in Tioman." - Sarah Moersfelder
Saw this plant on the way back. It was green. Or was it blue? Or was it green?
Yay! Back in time for sunset!
And happy hour!
And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I saw the dessert menu! Fruit and ice cream? Yes, please!!!
Last full day on the island, we decided to get some more snorkeling in. A much shorter hike to Monkey Beach, which again we had to ourselves, and some shallow but nice waters to snorkel in.
Total success!!! This was my bartender/boyfriend for the night, Jackie Chan. Hilarious and interesting guy who hooked us up with delicious cocktails for a price of beer. Double score!
Fact: There is one road that was just recently built that leads from the east to the west coast.
Fact: It is possible to call/persuade a driver to come over to this side to do a pick up.
Fact: It is expensive, even above and beyond Julie and Sarah standards.
We debated back and forth , back and forth about whether to stay and beach for a few more hours or make the trek back on foot. I doubt it's any surprise that we ended up doing the hike back. Which again, cut our time too short for the 'max and relax' ambitions of the day. But, when there's a happy hour and sunset calling you on the west coast, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Saw this plant on the way back. It was green. Or was it blue? Or was it green?
Dinner the first night was super disappointing. The fish I ordered was clearly a cut straight from the freezer and my "salad" was really coleslaw drenched in mayo. Lame.
Anyway, the second night we find another place which was far superior. It was the best meal I had the entire trip, and possibly the cheapest. The day just kept getting better and better.
Last night = one last happy hour. The majority of the time, cheap trumps taste for me, hence the 3 for $3 beers the previous two nights. But, since it was our last night we decided to "spoil" ourselves with girly drinks. I did a thorough check of all the prices on the 'strip' and decided we'd go here for the night.
Total success!!! This was my bartender/boyfriend for the night, Jackie Chan. Hilarious and interesting guy who hooked us up with delicious cocktails for a price of beer. Double score!
Enjoying our last sunset in Malaysia.
On the commute back to Japan (via buses, planes, trains), I had a lot of time for thinking. We did some reflecting of the trip and how awesome it was to have such a like minded travel buddy. I also felt extremely fortunate to have even had the opportunity for two weeks of travel in any country my heart desired, given time and money constraints. We both thought we were pretty smooth, arranging travel days and times to get two full weeks out of it, but then got a little pinge of jealously talking to all the other travelers we met who had anywhere from 1 month to years to travel Malaysia/southeast Asia/ the world. The jealously was shortlived and I was grouded again quickly as I reminded myself not to play the comparison game, but I did begin to think if it was possible for me to really live that lifestyle. In the end, I don't think I would enjoy being 'on the road' for that long. I really like having the security of a job and income and having a place not only to call, but to feel, is my home.
Good-bye, Tioman!
We make it back to Mersing in time to do some final 'omiyage' (small gifts you're essentially obligated to bring back for Japanese coworkers when going on a trip that requires you to use vacation days) shopping as well as make some ridiculous buys for ourselves. At the top of the list were these matching Barbie watches for ourselves, complete with an identical Barbie replica on the face of what looked like us, in Barbie form. It was especially special since the boys in Kuching kept calling Julie Barbie.
That being said, I did feel much sadder leaving Malaysia than I ever have leaving any other foreign country before. I think on top of the fact that it really did feel like a paradise and all the experiences and situations were exactly to my liking, it was the realization that this was really the last 'big trip' I'd be doing for a LONG time. I was going back to Japan, a country I love, but I knew would still be cold, grey, rainy and having to hop back into work responsibilities and plans for coming home. After returning stateside, I know I won't have time or money to being doing any international travels.
I wasn't ready yet, and the idea of staying in Malaysia and prolonging the paradise thang was incredibly appealing to me. I wonder when/if that travel bug itch will ever be scratched out in me? I will probably never know, but for now I am extremely satisfied with my experiences thus far and eternally grateful to God for providing and bringing me closer to Him through each experience. I do know that as long as I still have the financial means, the physical capabilities, and the time to travel I'll be jetsetting whenever. Who's with me?