Mt. Fuji: Japan's highest mountain at 3776m and a dormant volcano since 1708. A national icon and spiritual and recreational destination for ages. Naturally, I had to hike it.
The official climbing season is only July-August because of the 'mild weather' and tons of tourist buses that run out of the metropolitan cities daily. I hate hiking in massive crowds, which I've actually only had to do a few times in Japan. I've made quite the effort to make sure to go to remote locations or touristy places during non-peak times. There's nothing worse than having to stare at a strangers ass for hours on end while you wait in a line to walk up a hill. Kinda takes the fun out of it. The buddy system is generally a must for hiking, so it's super important to find a buddy with the same pace or one is stuck stopping and starting, stopping and starting. Turns out on Fuji, there was no getting around this... buddy or not. I planned to go a few weeks after the climbing season ended to avoid the crowds, still have good weather, and celebrate my birthday while the sun rises over the highest point in Japan.
I somehow convinced 8 other people to hike with me. Either I did a really good selling the trip, or they reallllllllllly love me! There are four trails up to the summit. We went on the most common and closest route to Gunma: the Kawaguchiko route. It's possible to start from the base... and maybe someday I'll do that, but the more common (and sane) option is start halfway up (at 2000m), at the 5th station.

The hike up is estimated to take 5-7 hours, so to see the sunrise we started the hike at about 10:30 at night after carb-loading up on spaghetti. It was almost a full moon that night.
*as per usual, my pictures turned out like poo poo compared to Alex's, so I stole lots of his. More of his pictures can be found here: .

Lida and I stopped at the 8th station to rest for an hour before heading to the peak, since it only gets colder as you get higher up! We were ahead of 'schedule' for seeing the sunrise, so we basically curled into a corner and tried not to get hypothermia. There are huts with food and sleep areas for those who book in advance at each station. The price increases as the altitude increases. Beers were six bucks at the top: the same price as Summerfest or a baseball game!
About six hours after we started the trek, we were finally at the summit. Snow and darkness greeted us.
The sunrise was... disappointing. Since I was an obsessive planner and researcher for this thing, I had seen heaps and heaps of amazing sunrise pictures. What we got was literally a 2 second tease of the suns outermost rays peaking out. Lida and I sat around for another 30-ish minutes trying to coax the clouds away, but it was no luck. Alex did a nice job of getting the 2 second peep show, though.

The hike down began, with several food stops along the way.

It eventually cleared up a bit, and the views of the surrounding mountains were pretty amazing.

Lida's ridiculous mock backpack cover.
Alekh and Erin were the first ones up to the summit, but Lida and I were the first ones down. We couldn't find out how this was possible, as we never remembered passing them and they were a good hour or so up on us. Turns out they accidentally took the wrong path down! They had to take a series of 3 buses to meet us back in the parking area! That gave us an extra four hours or so to hang out in our deliriousness... and of course have ice cream!

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